Medicare Open Enrollment Starts October 15: Time to Review Your Plans
Dear Readers: While we may be looking forward to (or dreading) cool weather, autumn leaves and Halloween, October also brings Medicare Open Enrollment. Medicare Open Enrollment is the only time of year when people who use Original (traditional) Medicare’s Medicare D for prescription drugs and those who use a Medicare Advantage plan can change their options. You may be happy with your plan, but updates happen yearly, so take the trouble to check and confirm your choice. Any changes made during this period will go into effect Jan. 1, 2024.
Note: You’re likely seeing a deluge of information now, both electronically and postal. Read about different policies but note that if the web address ends in anything other than dot gov, they have a sales agenda. This doesn’t mean that these resources are scams, but some are. If you want an unbiased approach…
Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories. “I hold onto your book as a life preserver and am reading it slowly on purpose…I don’t want it to end.” …Craig William Dayton, Film Composer
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