Dementia Caregiver How-To: Holiday Visits With Loved Ones
Thank you Lonna Whiting of and Being Patient for featuring me in this beautifully written article. Good information from others as well.
Sarah Akin hopes this holiday that caregivers give themselves a little grace — and that visiting family do the same.
Akin, who is 35 and lives in San Francisco, cared for her father until his death from early-onset Alzheimer’s in 2021 at age 62. She said the holidays can put extra pressure on family, especially caregivers, to act a certain way or to be on high alert for cognitive changes.
“When I cared for my dad, I learned to not take on too much of the holiday stress and did what worked for me,” Akin said. “If that meant skipping a family visit, I learned how to be honest…
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