Dad Agonizes Over the Inevitable Loss of Privacy After Death
Dear Carol: My dad is a retired college professor and researcher with a reserved nature. He’s told me that while he’s come to accept...
Dear Carol: My dad is a retired college professor and researcher with a reserved nature. He’s told me that while he’s come to accept...
The impact of aging frequently makes the news. Sadly, the coverage is consistently negative, and all facets of this topic are portrayed as “problems”...
My uncle was an avid reader and loved playing word games. After a series of strokes, he had extreme difficulty communicating. The worst part...
Most younger men don’t spend a lot of time considering the health of their prostate. However, around the age of 50, they’ll likely find...
Dear Carol: My mom is reasonably healthy but she’s sedentary. It frustrates me that she ignores the fact that a bad fall could change...
Although we may not think about it in these terms very often, a person’s dignity and identity are often tied to their independence. As...
If I’d had paid family leave during my caregiving years, my life and the lives of my loved ones would have been quite different....
While death rarely brings pleasant feelings, from time to time we’ll see a story about death go viral on the Internet because it touches...
When I was a teenager, my parents had a new home specifically built with separate quarters so my grandmother could live with us and...
Dear Carol: I’m worried about my 70-year-old dad who is constantly responding to his 93-year-old mother’s calls for help. I keep telling him that...