The Stigma of Incontinence Can Keep Older Adults Secluded Adding to Potential for Decline
Dear Carol: I’m worried about my husband. We’re both in our 70s and in relatively good health but he’s had surgery for prostate cancer...
Dear Carol: I’m worried about my husband. We’re both in our 70s and in relatively good health but he’s had surgery for prostate cancer...
Caregiving is a job that is full of ups and downs. Many of us take on this role out of love and concern, but...
A common complaint about older people, especially those who have health challenges, is that they “smell” or have other signs that they don’t shower...
Dear Carol: My wife, age 48, is incontinent due to multiple sclerosis (MS). We used to love camping in national parks, so I’ve been...
Dear Carol: I’m writing to tell your readers about what our family went through with our 86-year-old mom. She’d been doing great until one...
People living with dementia are the only ones who really understand what it’s like to live with their form of the disease, whether it’s...
Whether you’re caring for someone with dementia or visiting them from time to time you’ll want to do your best to make them feel...
I’m honored to be included on this list of 17 Dementia Care Experts created by CareSmartz360. Everyone mentioned is worth following as caregivers look...
The aging process brings with it any number of indignities. One of those is incontinence. People without the problem may look at incontinence as...
Dementia care demands incredible creativity. The ever-changing needs of the person who has dementia challenge family caregivers and professionals alike. One particular frustration is...