Coping with Alzheimer’s Caregiver Burnout
You watch your once mentally sharp loved one decline before your eyes. Their uncontrollable behaviors, mood swings, outbursts, confusion, and memory loss are heartbreaking....
You watch your once mentally sharp loved one decline before your eyes. Their uncontrollable behaviors, mood swings, outbursts, confusion, and memory loss are heartbreaking....
The plain truth is that assuming the responsibility of caring for another person dramatically alters one’s life. This change can happen abruptly or it...
People cite numerous reasons for why they hate visiting care facilities. Some can’t stand funky smells, others find the sight of disengaged, listless seniors...
Get used to it – the guilt, I mean. The incessant phone call thing was just one of the many games I had to...
Becoming a family caregiver is often something that either happens very suddenly or slowly sneaks up on a person. When a loved one has...
Even when family caregivers have access to help, many still come up with excuses to turn down assistance. Learning to accept support and assistance...
Caregiving is a stressful job even during the best of times. The sheer amount of responsibility is enough to make the most stoic person...
Caregiving throws many challenges our way, including establishing care routines for our elders that are not only challenging, but may be somewhat embarrassing. By...
Wouldn’t it be nice to be a family caregiver who never gets frustrated and is an eternal optimist? Maybe there are some like that...
When store employees wish us Merry Christmas we smile back and return the greeting. When acquaintances wave and shout Happy Holidays across a parking...