New to Caregiving: How Do I Keep from Going Under?
Dear Carol: My parents are in their 70s and had been mostly healthy. I don’t have to worry about financial and health legal documents...
Dear Carol: My parents are in their 70s and had been mostly healthy. I don’t have to worry about financial and health legal documents...
For many of us, the word “home” signifies refuge, safety, caring and warmth –a sanctuary where we belong. It’s a place that we know...
Many older adults may not bathe as often as younger people think they should, but what about people living with dementia? Here lies a much...
A common complaint about older people, especially those who have health challenges, is that they “smell” or have other signs that they don’t shower...
Dear Carol: My dad’s been experiencing memory lapses and making sketchy decisions. I finally got him into a neurologist who diagnosed him with dementia,...
Dear Carol: My mom burned pans when she cooked, got overdue notices on bills, and has become incontinent. Since she wasn’t safe living alone,...
I once visited a caregiver friend and her mother, who had moderate Alzheimer’s disease. At one point during the visit, the mother abruptly stood...
As people age, they tend to sleep more lightly than when they were younger. Waking up during the night due to achy joints or...
Dementia can cause people to say and do some pretty odd things. Family caregivers may be caught off guard at first, but as they...
During the years I cared for multiple elders, I grew to dread the ringing of the telephone. It seemed most calls meant emergencies. One...