Should Your Parent Risk an Anesthesia Disaster or Forego Surgery?
Note: This is an older article so the types of anesthesia have (in some cases) changed. That said, it’s clear that undergoing a procedure...
Note: This is an older article so the types of anesthesia have (in some cases) changed. That said, it’s clear that undergoing a procedure...
Hiring in-home care for my elderly neighbor, Joe was quite an ordeal. The company we chose and their professional caregivers were great, but the...
For some lucky families, having all adult siblings gather around and plan how to take care of Mom and Dad as their parents’ health...
Years ago, I stumbled upon a video that remains vivid in my mind. In it, an elderly couple who had spent a lifetime devoted...
People want to stay in their own homes. You hear it and read about it all the time. And there’s some merit to that....
Caregiving is a job that is full of ups and downs. Many of us take on this role out of love and concern, but...
When it comes to caring for the elderly, hygiene issues are surprisingly common. Determining why their bathing habits have changed is the best way...
Deciding whether to tell someone who is cognitively impaired that their spouse has died is a serious and often recurring struggle. Dementia and death...
Dear Carol: I’m struggling. My husband was always super neat, but Alzheimer’s gradually took away his ability to organize even the basics of living....
While most senior living communities offer an array of programs and events, activities directors often work with limited budgets and are challenged to meet...