Untreated Hearing Loss Can Contribute to Dementia Risk
Dear Carol: Even though my husband has prescription hearing aids, he doesn’t use them much because thinks his hearing isn’t “that bad.” I gently remind him that hearing loss can contribute to brain problems, but he ignores my input. True, he can hear someone speaking directly to him, but he needs the TV sound cranked way up. Worse, he misses some things the grandkids say. Is there a simplified way I can share facts with him without sounding preachy? I know you’ve addressed this before, but I can’t find the article. – VB
Dear VB: Great question. Hearing is such an important topic that while I answered your email, it’s worth re-addressing in the column. Sensory input stimulates our brains and provides information about our world with hearing and vision topping the list. In our society, most people not only accept wearing eyeglasses at any age, they consider …
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