When You’ve Promised a Parent You’d Never Put Them in a Care Facility
Caregiving is a job that is full of ups and downs. Many of us take on this role out of love and concern, but...
Caregiving is a job that is full of ups and downs. Many of us take on this role out of love and concern, but...
Dear Carol: My mom died after five years of living with dementia symptoms along with decades of pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Her death has...
There’s an image of holiday perfection that our culture encourages. Starting with Thanksgiving, we are inundated with images of families happily enjoying each other’s...
Dear Carol: My dad was my rock and was always there for his little daughter when I needed support, even more so after Mom...
A billboard in my city carries a simple message: “Most families say, ‘Why did we wait so long to call hospice?’ “ When I...
Dear Carol: I’ve spent decades caring for all the older adults connected to our families. Now, only my father-in-law and my mom remain. They...
Get used to it – the guilt, I mean. The incessant phone call thing was just one of the many games I had to...
We’ve all heard that we must first learn to love ourselves before we can love others. Yet, many of us have grown up with...
When my mother died in a local nursing home, my “career” of visiting this exceptional facility nearly every day for almost 15 years ended....
They say hindsight is 20/20. But things from the past that may seem “clear” to you now can still be distorted by difficult emotions...