When You’ve Promised a Parent You’d Never Put Them in a Care Facility
Caregiving is a job that is full of ups and downs. Many of us take on this role out of love and concern, but...
Caregiving is a job that is full of ups and downs. Many of us take on this role out of love and concern, but...
Dear Carol: My mom died after five years of living with dementia symptoms along with decades of pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Her death has...
Dr. Gail Gross, Ph.D., doctor of education, is a nationally recognized family, child development, and human behavior expert, author, and educator. She has contributed...
“Carol!” The hospice nurse’s voice was quiet but urgent. I instinctively knew what was happening. She had been shifting Dad’s position so that he...
Long-term marriages generally evolve into a support system so efficient that even adult children hardly notice changes in their parents. If Dad’s hearing is...
At some point during your caregiving journey, you may find yourself in a rut. The awareness may come with a birthday, a change in...
When my mother died in a local nursing home, my “career” of visiting this exceptional facility nearly every day for almost 15 years ended....
Note: While more is known now about hospital delirium, there is still not enough done to prevent hospital delirium or quickly treat it, if...
They say hindsight is 20/20. But things from the past that may seem “clear” to you now can still be distorted by difficult emotions—especially...
The decisions caregivers must make during the Christmas holidays are fraught with opportunities to make mistakes in judgment. Chief among them is how much...