Why So Many Long-Married Couples Die Close Together
While death rarely brings pleasant feelings, from time to time we’ll see a story about death go viral on the Internet because it touches...
While death rarely brings pleasant feelings, from time to time we’ll see a story about death go viral on the Internet because it touches...
The importance of grandparents in the lives of children cannot be denied. Before our society became so mobile, it was common for children to...
People with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia often come to live in an altered reality that doesn’t mesh with ours. As an...
There are now many apps available that can help with organizing, but that said, some of these older tips are still valid. Personally, I...
Life isn’t easy for most people, and it’s not perfect for anybody. Sometimes, as we trudge through the days providing help for our care...
Many of us feel honored to provide care for our aging parents or ill spouses, but this honor can also present serious challenges. Even...
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “there’s no I in team,” meaning that every member on a successful team puts selfishness aside and works...
Each of us is unique, with our own talents and flaws. Often, our so-called faults are merely ways in which we differ from society’s...
There’s no getting around it: being a family caregiver is bound to impact how you think and who you are as a person. Taking...
Dear Carol: My mom has late-stage cancer as well as dementia and is being cared for in my home with hospice support. She’s 93,...