Respecting the Right to Age With Dignity
The impact of aging frequently makes the news. Sadly, the coverage is consistently negative, and all facets of this topic are portrayed as “problems”...
The impact of aging frequently makes the news. Sadly, the coverage is consistently negative, and all facets of this topic are portrayed as “problems”...
Caregiving can bring forth an ever-changing kaleidoscope of emotions. These feelings are often bittersweet, but without the proper preparations and assistance, things can quickly...
Dear Carol: My mom is reasonably healthy but she’s sedentary. It frustrates me that she ignores the fact that a bad fall could change...
While death rarely brings pleasant feelings, from time to time we’ll see a story about death go viral on the Internet because it touches...
During the years I cared for multiple elders, I grew to dread the ringing of the telephone. It seemed most calls meant emergencies. One...
We’ve all heard that we must first learn to love ourselves before we can love others. Yet, many of us have grown up with...
Traditional marriage vows generally contain the words “through sickness and in health.” For some couples, chronic sickness in the form of a painful disease...
Studies show that animals can be wonderful companions for older adults—their presence can calm agitation, alleviate loneliness and even lower blood pressure. A family...
The importance of grandparents in the lives of children cannot be denied. Before our society became so mobile, it was common for children to...
Companies are creating robots that can complete household and caregiver tasks, provide comfort in the shape of a cat, as well as call 9-1-1...